Bring Your Team Together:
Cole Classic 2024 Corporate
Signups Are Open!

Banner Image: An inspiring image of past Cole Classic events, preferably showing corporate teams in action.

“Why Team Up with Cole Classic 2024?”

“The Cole Classic is not just Australia’s largest ocean swim; it’s a catalyst for corporate team-building and social impact. Here’s a chance for your company to come together, get fit, and support a great cause.

Benefits of Corporate Signups

Team Building: “Foster teamwork and unity.”

Physical Wellness: “Promote a healthy, active lifestyle among your employees.”

Corporate Social Responsibility: “Support the charity of your choice through team fundraising.”

What’s Included

How To Support Your Staff
(Do one, do them all!)

Entry Fee Coverage:
“Cover the cost of your staff’s entry fee to support physical & mental well-being.”

Fundraising Match:
“Match your employees’ fundraising dollar for dollar.”

Time Off for Training:
“Include swim training as part of your CSR initiatives.”

Travel Assistance:
“Help with any travel logistics for the event.”

How to Sign Up

“Get Your Corporate Code”

Fill out the form below to apply for a corporate code for your team.

Corporate Signup Form

Company Name: [Text Field]

Contact Person: [Text Field]

Email Address: [Text Field]

Phone Number: [Text Field]

Number of Team Members: [Dropdown or Text Field]

Preferred Charity: [Text Field or Dropdown]

[Submit Button: “Apply for Corporate Code”]
